Student Work
Slack has an estimated 35 million active users, but a lot of people still don’t know what the platform can actually do. 
Slack’s new brand platform is here to change that.

Brand Book

Slack’s brand book introduces new visual narratives and tone to the brand with the inception of its platform line “to the power of Slack”

Art Direction POV: The Power of Slack expands upon existing Slack brand elements by reinterpreting the two geometric forms that make up the existing Slack logo, the octothorpe. It also adds a shade of orange to the existing brand color palette, as well as the intentional use of a new font, Multicolour, for prominent headlines.  

Banner Ads
Slack will disrupt business spaces both in person and online to show what the power of Slack can do.


CW: Paris Cipollone
Caitlin Kreinhedercakreinheder@gmail.comLinkedin7577193404