Live Client
Brand Identity created for a pitched sauce, Gala an Apple Cider Vinegar Glaze, as a part of the University of Richmond Benchtop Program.
Label & Brand Design
Real life Product
Team:XD: Hannah Kent
CW: Cameron Norman
AD: Sarah Hardin
Fast Food From Home
What if Combination Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC’s brought their international menus to the US, targetting immigrants from those countries.
Team:AD: Carli Aldape
CW: Dipanshi Agarwal
Live Client
Brand Identity created for TORPEL- a startup venture in the UVA Darden i.lab that engineers high energy density battery technology.
Primary & Secondary Logo
Brand Colors
XD: Hannah Kent
CW: Paris Cipollone
MotorCity Bakery
Brand Identity created for fictional bakery that draws on visuals from both parts of the identity.
Caitlin Kreinhedercakreinheder@gmail.comLinkedin7577193404